What is Joomla?

Joomla is known as a major Content Management System (CMS), which enables you to construct sites and also apps with only a mouse click. Its simplicity of use and extensibility have helped make it the favourite web site setup tool online. Joomla is supported by a massive community, that is consistently including additional features and add–ons.

You’re able to use Joomla to develop sites of all styles, for example small–business web sites, company web sites, online journals or newspapers, e–commerce websites, non–profit sites, community–based websites, school or church websites, personal or family homepages.

Joomla is a trademark of the Open Source Matters and shares no affiliation with host.iz.rs.

Joomla–Optimized Shared Web Hosting Services with a Point & Click Online Control Panel

By making use of the Joomla–optimized shared web hosting bundles, you’ll be able to have your private or company Joomla website published on the internet with simply a click of the mouse. All you have to do is select Joomla from the application drop–down menu on the order form and we’ll prepare your Joomla copy whilst configuring your shared web hosting account. That shall spare you from all of the technological hassle and will let you begin working on your Joomla website immediately after the signup procedure has been finished.

host.iz.rs’s Joomla–optimized shared web hosting plans come with a point–and–click Online Control Panel, that has a drag–and–drop File Manager where your Joomla files shall be located, a Database Manager for your databases, and an all–inclusive Email Manager via which you can control all your e–mail messages.

Free Joomla Themes

Every single Joomla installation offers a bunch of complimentary Joomla web themes, that you are able to download through the host.iz.rs Online Control Panel.

The Joomla web themes are fantastic for exhibiting your portfolio of works, photo galleries, videos and podcasts. There’s no requirement for you to learn any complicated website development techniques. Each individual theme is focused on a specific matter, yet it is possible to thoroughly alter its structure components to suit your individual requirements.